Thursday, April 5, 2007


Our thoughts:

At the beginning of this process, we had no idea that the Golden Ratio was such a huge topic to explore. We found out during our long hours of researching that the Golden Ratio is so much more than a simple equation that one can memorize. We have learned that it is found everywhere in the world around us - in architecture, art, nature, music, and so many others!! It is connected to the golden rectangle, the fibonacci sequence, the golden triangle and the list continues. In addition, we came to realize after that yes, the Golden Ratio would be difficult to teach to children straight from a textbook with the defintion, numbers, equation and all. But, perhaps it could be taught through a music or science lesson for example in such a way that children could understand it.

Throughout this process we answered some of our questions but we also came up with more: How is the Golden Ratio directly related to the Fibonacci Sequence? Why would our students enjoy learning about this topic? How could we teach this topic to primary and elementary students in such a way that they will not become frustrated with it but understand it and enjoy it as well? Can it wait to be taught in higher grade levels? What would be the benefit or disadvantage of doing that? Would introducing it or teaching it at the lower grade level do injustice to the topic itself? How can this topic involve more problem solving for students?

Our learning experience about the Golden Ratio isn't over yet, we intend to learn more about this topic and many others as we continue our journey to become the best teachers we can be! We are also excited to start learning new things each day in our classroom right along with our future students as we discover the magic of mathematics and other subjects together!

Note: We could only be priviledged enough to scratch the surface of this exciting but extremely broad topic. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to get involved with the Golden Ratio and research it some more! Hope you enjoy as much as we did!! :)